Sunday 14 July 2013

People My Age

It scares me, the things that people my age are doing. I mean the actor who plays Gavroche in the 2013 Les Mis movie was born the same year I was. Rupert Grint was 3 years younger than I am when he became Ronald Weasley (and yes, when I searched up how to spell his name I did get sucked into reading his Wikipedia page).   Lorelai Gilmore had Rory when she was 2 years older than I am.
And that there are kids younger than me doing TED talks. There are kids younger then me dying. Anne Frank was living through a war (along with a million other people), falling in love and writing in her diary, from the time she was 13, not knowing she would be dead 2 years later and that her diary would be a world-wide symbol of the travesty of war and the shattering of innocence.  A girl I know, a year older then me, died of cancer and a girl my sisters age was bullied so bad, she ended everything.

 I've been in school for eight years and am about to start my 2nd semester of year 8.  I've worked in my parents shop since I was ten but I still struggle to do anything more intense then topping the papers or putting out books. I play netball but only at a domestic level. I read more then I socialize and I'm struggling to be okay with that, while still pushing myself to do better. I've been around computers my whole life and I know more then my Grandpa, but I still don't know how to touch type. I want to do debating at my school but I don't know if I care for the people who want to do it too, and I think that might make me perform badly and quit. I don't want to be a quitter but I don't want to keep doing it out of a sense of obligation (and duty), if I don't enjoy it.

I'm fourteen years old and  I haven't done anything yet. I'm fourteen years old and I haven't even started yet.

I've run out of steam, so rant over.

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